By 2018, Internet Advertising Revenue Will Surpass TV Advertising Revenue

By 2018, Internet Advertising Revenue Will Surpass TV Advertising Revenue

If I can point to one thing to show off how important website advertising is and will become, it’s this eMarketer study forecasting that by 2018 digital or internet advertising revenue will surpass TV advertising revenue.

So what can we learn from this?

The goal of the vast majority of TV advertisers is branding and to build awareness. Internet website advertising can achieve the exact same thing, but the cost is tons lower and people are realizing how much of a bigger bang for a buck they get advertising on websites versus TV.

Why is this the case?

The simplistic answer is that website advertising has tons more inventory than TV. By inventory, I mean places to advertise on.

I know there’s tons of TV channels out there. 1,000. Maybe 2,000 tops for the average household that has cable or dish TV.

But think of how many websites there are on the internet. Yeah, a lot more.

And with so, so, so much supply and only a bit of demand, it equals very low cost.

Small business owners especially have a giant opportunity to brand their companies and build awareness in the local like never before. I highly recommend people take advantage of it.

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