Approaching New World Of Banner Ads

Approaching New World Of Banner Ads

Approaching new world of banner ads is the fault of greedy publishers with their auto play video ads slowing down too many websites. Now companies in the browser business have no choice but to police the quality of banner ads because if they don’t we’ll eventually see majority adoption for ad blocking software. This all equals less money to be made because publishers were too concerned with making a buck as quick as possible, not caring that they could be risking the long term viability of their business model.

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Facebook debuts Watch, its home for original shows

Facebook debuts Watch, its home for original shows

Now Facebook is getting into the streaming business. More specifically, the digital channel business. Everybody with a streaming service is sort of like the new “channel”. This is where we’re heading. You’re not going to pay a cable company or satellite dish company per month for a bundle. You’re going to pay different streaming channels a la carte. Which is wonderful for everybody except the middle man cable and dish companies.

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Amazon already has its eye on the car repair market, and auto shops should be worried

Amazon already has its eye on the car repair market, and auto shops should be worried

It looks like Amazon is experimenting with the idea of bundling local services with products. My opinion, I think they’d be better off selling advertising on their website. If there was more money to be made partnering with local services, Google would already be doing it. But they’re not.

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Survey results: Here’s what 376 marketers say is working in online marketing

Survey results: Here’s what 376 marketers say is working in online marketing

If you know you’re making someone money, you would know all about the ROI. You would be shouting from the rooftops about your ROI. And it’s easy to figure out ROI. An overwhelming majority of marketers saying they’re “not sure” about ROI tells me they don’t want to know what the ROI is. Because they think their ROI is bad. Crazy how people want to be paid for marketing work without putting any thought into whether their work actually does what it’s supposed to. It’s nuts!

“Marketers are clueless when it comes to ROI. But how are those marketers defining success? Return on investment (ROI), arguably the single most important metric for gauging the profitability of a campaign, remains elusive for many marketers to measure. For each core online marketing strategy, we asked marketers what type of ROI they were seeing—and the top answer for nearly every strategy was “not sure.” The only strong exception to this rule was social media marketing, which 44 percent of marketers saw a positive ROI for. Otherwise, either marketers aren’t measuring their ROI rates consistently, or they don’t know how to do it.”

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Zero Focus On The Biggest Potential Game Changer

Zero Focus On The Biggest Potential Game Changer

For all the new bells and whistles Google is creating for advertisers and businesses, there’s been zero focus on the biggest potential game changer. Which is lowering cost of ads, which would make people more money off their ad dollars. But why would Google want to lower the ad cost? That’s the opposite of what they want. I feel there’s not enough excitement and focus from marketers to do this. To lower the cost of ads. All the buzz I see and read about is everything, except lowering the cost. It baffles me. Lowering the cost and making customers more money off of want their currently is the top, top, top, top thing that increases the marketers value. My theory is that not enough marketers realize they’re in the casino business. Where the only reason why somebody gives you money is because they hope to walk away with even more. But that could be a sign that too many marketers in the industry do not make their customers money because they lack skills, experience, knowledge, etc. So if you’re a marketer that struggles to make someone money, making someone money is not what you would want to focus on. Instead, the big buzz right now is on all kinds of identity ads. My main point is that this current climate creates oodles of opportunity for those marketers that are able to make people money. Because that’s the only thing business owners care about. They don’t care about native ads, or audience targeting, or evergreen content. They care about making more money. That’s it. Right now, ton of demand. Not enough supply of people that know how to do it.

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My Recent Depressing Realization about All This Crappy ‘Content Marketing’

My Recent Depressing Realization about All This Crappy ‘Content Marketing’

For all those in the writing business or journalism, this could be your profession’s future. Writing content specifically for SEO. And most don’t like it.

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The current model that schools use is broken and obsolete. the idea that using technology to do work is somehow cheating is a joke. now schools have a bigger problem with the rise of AI, making it much more difficult to detect tech help. instead of rejecting tech as cheating, schools should be teaching application of it and better ways to use it. in internet marketing, there’s a ton of content on the subject. tons of data. but people pay me money for the application of it. tons of internet marketing stuff, but how the heck do you put it to use? that’s why i get paid. instead of students being forced to do work without tech, students instead should be figuring out what’s the best application of tech in getting the work done in the fastest and highest quality.

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Is There A Big Opportunity To Do Marketing In Youtube?

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What’s The Difference Between SEO and Search Advertising?

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Should My Email Form Be Short Or Long?

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