360 degree video. Will change the way businesses are able to articulate their products and services.
Read More360 degree video. Will change the way businesses are able to articulate their products and services.
Read MoreFor any businesses out there advertising on the internet, you are missing out by not offering new customers coupons or special deals. It makes a big difference is the lead to customer conversion rate. And make it TANGIBLE. Don’t be lazy and offer 20% off. Auto Repair shops: offer a coupon for 4 free oil changes. Airport trans companies: offer a rewards program like book 5 rides, get a 6th ride for free. The promotion is almost more important than the website itself.
Coming soon to america: germany chancelor angela merkel says search engines are distorting perception. guarantee that youll start hearing that from more politicians in the usa. merkels big beef is a lack of transparency of the algorithm that produces the search results. well, if the search engines were transparent, it’d be super easy to spam them and then search would lose its value. the real solution is to work with people that know seo and put out a lot of content that supports your position.
Angela Merkel: internet search engines are ‘distorting perception’
Read MoreChicken or the egg: are 40% of top search results https (secured) because https helps seo rankings? or is 40% of top search results https because everybody in the industry is being told you need to be https for better results and more websites have then become https, with no direct seo benefit? internet marketing is very much so a copycat industry. id bet on more of the latter.
Twitter is getting desperate trying to find someone to buy their company. theyve now been around for over 10 years and have not turned a profit once. their board is ready to cash out. and they think the reason they havent turned a profit yet is because of the trolls that use their platform and how big corporate companies are afraid that the trolls will drag down their brand. so for the first time ive ever seen, a big social media outfit is going to try and rid their platform of trolls. the first step is getting rid of vine, the 6 second video looping program. itll be interesting to see what they do next and if they succeed. no one has yet
Its possible that with AI and big data, that banner ads could soon perform better than search ads. my only concern is “privacy” advocates that have attacked the remarketing technique. all remarketing does is give a business the ability to “tag” a person and be able to serve banner ads to them. AI and big data do a lot more. it gives you the ability to track which websites a person has gone on to figure out if theyre a good match to serve banner ads too. im not sure if the public is going to be cool with that.
Read Moreand to think. the dominant search engine in the world could have been “excite”. brin and page wanted to sell google for $1 million. excite ceo george bell talked them down to $750k. but bell still got cold feet and walked away. Click link below for the story.
Gallup recently did a poll asking consumers how much influence social media has on their purchasing decisions. 5% said social media has great influence. 30% said some influence. But a whopping 62% said social media has no influence at all on purchasing decisions.
This is further evidence that social media marketing does not produce the results businesses think it will or hope it will.
Based on this poll, it shows that in actuality, there’s not much value in someone “liking” your business’ Facebook page.
My professional opinion is maintained that the value in social media is when a business owner himself networks with people, builds relationships, to get business.
The other value is brand advertising, but because people are confused in thinking the Facebook clicks are the same as Google clicks, the display advertising costs are overpriced and don’t have as much value.
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